Category Archives: News

“Ga. widow settles lawsuit against suicide group”

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An attorney says the widow of 58-year-old John Celmer has reached a settlement in a wrongful death lawsuit filed against members of the suicide group (Final Exit Network) which was once charged with helping him die. Authorities charged the members … Continue reading

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“Georgia lawmakers want to outlaw assisted suicide”

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State lawmakers introduced a bill Tuesday that would outlaw assisted suicide in the wake of a recent Georgia Supreme Court ruling that destroyed a long-running criminal cases against members of a suicide groups.  Under the new legislation, violators would face … Continue reading

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“Meet the ObamaCare Mandate Committee”

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Offended by President Obama’s decision to force health insurers to pay for contraception and surgical sterilization?  It gets worse: In the future, thanks to ObamaCare the government will issue such health edicts on a routine basis – and largely insulated … Continue reading

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“Threat to Nitschke’s career after bid to import nembutal”

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Controversial euthanasia advocate Phillip Nitschke could be barred from practicing as a doctor as a result of an inquiry into his application to import the sedative nembutal to use as a sleeping pill for a terminally ill patient….The barbiturate nembutal … Continue reading

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“Hey, Can You Stop at CVS and Pick Up My Suicide Pills?”

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While in Boston this past weekend, I became aware of a ballot initiative that will be presented in November…. This bill, known as the “Death with Dignity” bill, concerns the legalization of physician-prescribed suicide. Philly Magazine “Hey, Can You Stop … Continue reading

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“Go-ahead for world’s first mobile euthanasia unit that will allow patients to die at home”

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The world’s first mobile team to administer euthanasia in patients’ homes will be launched next month…They are expected to send the number of euthanasia cases in Holland soaring, with pro-campaigners claiming they will end the lives of an additional 1,000 … Continue reading

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“Personal liberties take center stage”

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(Scroll down to read “Death with Dignity” news.) Lawmakers were also asked to weigh in on so-called “Death with dignity” legislation that has been introduced again in both the House and Senate this year. State Sen. Harold Giard. D-Bridport, said … Continue reading

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“Suicide Law Ruled Unconstitutional”

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Georgia’s highest court has struck down a state law that made it a crime to publicly offer to help people commit suicide, ruling it violated the free speech protections under the Constitution….”The law was unique and I do think the … Continue reading

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“Court overturns assisted suicide restrictions”

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Georgia’s top court struck down a state law that restricted assisted suicides, siding on Monday with four members of group that helped a cancer-stricken man die and said the law violated their free speech rights. USA Today “Court overturns assisted … Continue reading

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“‘Euthanasia on wheels’ starts next month”

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Six specialised euthanasia teams consisting of one doctor and one nurse will begin making house calls in the Netherlands next month. Radio Netherlands Worldwide “‘Euthanasia on wheels’ starts next month” February 6, 2012 View

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“Ga. court overturns assisted suicide restrictions”

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The challenge was brought by four members  of the network who were arrested in February 2009 after John Celmer’s death at his north Georgia home. MSNBC “Ga. court overturns assisted suicide restrictions” February 6, 2012 View

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“Court strikes down Georgia’s assisted-suicide law”

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The Georgia Supreme Court on Monday unanimously struck down a key provision of a state law that criminalized some assisted suicides, finding it violates free speech rights….A key state lawmaker, Rich Golick, a Smyrna Republican who chairs the House Judiciary … Continue reading

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“Georgia Court Rejects Law Aimed at Assisted Suicide”

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“Essentially, Georgia is now in the position of being the wild, wild West for those who are promoting doctor-assisted suicide,” said Rita Marker, executive director of the Patients Rights Council. “It opens the floodgates for anyone who wants to do … Continue reading

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“Georgia Supreme Court Throws Out Law Banning Assisted Suicide Advertising”

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The case stemmed from the 2010 prosecution of Dr. Lawrence Egbert, medical director for Final Exit Network….Thirty-nine states have enacted laws that criminalize assisted suicide, according to the Patients Rights Council. Oregon and Washington have passed “Death with Dignity” statutes … Continue reading

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“Georgia’s top state court strikes down assisted suicide restrictions over free speech concerns”

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The court’s opinion found that lawmakers could have imposed a ban on all assisted suicides with no restriction of free speech, or sought to prohibit all offers to assist in suicide that were followed by the act. Washington Post “Georgia’s … Continue reading

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“Ga. court overturns assisted suicide restrictions”

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The Georgia Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling concludes that 1994 state law “restricts speech in violation of the free speech clauses” of the U.S. and Georgia constitutions.  The court’s opinion held that Georgia only criminalized assisted suicides that include a public … Continue reading

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“French presidential candidate backs euthanasia”

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The left-wing candidate in the French presidential election has strongly endorsed the legalisation of euthanasia. If he is elected, Francois Hollande, a Socialist, who will face the incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy, recently revived France’s simmering euthanasia debate. “I propose that all … Continue reading

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“Call for providers to set out assisted suicide policy”

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Protection advisers [insurance agents] have called on life companies to clarify whether they will pay out in cases of assisted suicide…”It could be argued that if a person who is a beneficiary of a life policy caused their partner’s death … Continue reading

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“Doctors call for a moratorium on donation after cardiac death”

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Is that rustling in the bushes a deer or is it my brother? What the hell? We’ll sort it out later…BANG!  Most people would regard moral reasoning like this as potentially indicative of a deficit of ethical reflectiveness.  Several paediatricians … Continue reading

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“European assembly slams euthanasia”

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The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) has given a big boost to opponents of legalised euthanasia. This body, which (somewhat confusingly) is not part of the European Union, is an advisory body in Strasbourg with more that … Continue reading

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“Euthanasia ‘must always be prohibited,’ rules Council of Europe”

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The Council of Europe has ruled that euthanasia and assisted suicide should be banned in every country across the Continent.  In a declaration that will have huge implications on human rights laws in its 47 member countries, the Strasbourg-based organisations … Continue reading

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“Is it morally wrong to take a life? Not really, say bioethicists”

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Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Franklin G. Miller believe that “killing by itself is not morally wrong…Ultimately their aim is to justify organ donation after cardiac death (DCD)….[T]he authors state frankly that the patient is not dead at that point….Nor, they say, … Continue reading

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“Council of Europe: ‘Protecting human rights and dignity…’ Resolution”

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Resolution 1859 (2012): (5) Euthanasia, in the sense of the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, must always be prohibited. Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly “Council of Europe: ‘Protecting … Continue reading

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“Will Death with Dignity see debate this session?”

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Advocates hoping to pass a bill giving Vermonters the right to end their own lives may have to wait until 2013.  State senators tell WCAX News that support for this controversial bill is dwindling. WCAX “Will Death with Dignity see … Continue reading

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“Locked-in syndrome sufferer begins high court battle for right to die”

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Test case by Tony Nicklinson seeks declaration that any doctor terminating his life will be protected against murder charge….The disability means he cannot take his own life other than by slow starvation….The high court application goes far beyond assisted suicide. … Continue reading

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