Category Archives: News

“The intolerable burden of assisted dying”

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Raymond Tallis writes: “Leaving a loved one to assist with suicide is cruel and irresponsible. Let doctors do their job.” The Guardian “The intolerable burden of assisted dying” March 26, 2012 View

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“Editorial: Assisted dying: It’s time for a discussion”

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Canada’s Criminal Code now makes it an offence punishable by a jail sentence of up to 14 years to counsel or assist someone to commit suicide, or to agree to be put to death.  Whether to alter those laws is … Continue reading

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“Richard Ottoway MP hints at support for euthanasia law”

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Richard Ottoway MP behind the first full Commons debate on assisted suicide for almost 40 years, has hinted he would support further moves towards legalising euthanasia. The Telegraph “Richard Ottoway MP hings at support for euthanasia law” March 26, 2012 … Continue reading

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“Canada: Not Dead Yet Responds to Quebec Commission Report on ‘Dying With Dignity'”

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The report of the Quebec parliament’s commission on dying with dignity contains some positive measures as well as fatal flaws, according to Amy Hasbrouck, board chair of Not Dead Yet. Not Dead Yet blog “Canada: Not Dead Yet Responds to … Continue reading

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“Making a Difference, Even at the End of Life”

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From time to time during the past several years I’ve used this column to help readers through the challenges of end-of-life planning. Recently, my dad’s health took a sudden, sharp turn for the worse. My family and I found ourselves … Continue reading

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“Pelosi: Give Us ObamaCare, Or Give Us Death”

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As the Supreme Court hears oral arguments on the constitutionality of ObamaCare, the former House speaker says its purpose is to guarantee our inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Investor’s Business Daily “Pelosi: Give Us ObamaCare, … Continue reading

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“Committee recommends new rules surrounding assisted suicide in Quebec”

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A committee of the Quebec National Assembly unanimously recommended Thursday that rules be established to shelter from prosecution doctors who offer terminally-ill patients “medical assistance to die.” Montreal Gazette “Committee recommends new rules surrounding assisted suicide in Quebec” March 22, … Continue reading

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“Vt. lawmakers: Right-to-die bill won’t pass”

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Legislation that would allow doctors to help terminally ill patients to take their own lives won’t pass this year, two key Vermont Senate leaders said Friday. Real Clear Politics “Vt. lawmakers: Right-to-die bill won’t pass” March 16, 2012 View  

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“Ten years after Belgian euthanasia law, opposition simmers”

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Kenneth Chambaere,researched the causes of all deaths in hospitals in Belgium’s Flemish areas.  Two percent of deaths were due to euthanasia, and nearly 2 percent of deaths were without the patient’s consent, the study concluded…In those cases, the physicians intended … Continue reading

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“2 doctors file challenge against NM law”

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Two physicians filed a challenge Thursday against a decades-old New Mexico law. The doctors seek to be allowed to prescribe medication to terminally-ill patients who want to end their lives. Las Cruces Sun “2 doctors file challenge against NM law” … Continue reading

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“Locked-in sufferer Tony Nicklinson ‘delighted’ at winning first stage of right-to-die court battle”

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He is asking for declarations that doctors can help him end his “intolerable” existence without facing a murder charge….His wife, Jan Nicklinson, says the only way to relieve his suffering is to kill him. Telegraph “Locked in sufferer Tony Nicklinson … Continue reading

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“Netherlands debates extending euthanasia legislation”

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People aged over 70 who feel their life no longer has meaning should be allowed to commit assisted suicide even if they do not suffer from terminal or incurable diseases, according to a proposal debated by the Dutch parliament late … Continue reading

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“Independent Payment Advisory Board”

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Public opposition to the Affordable Care Act has grown in surprising and unpredictable ways since the entitlement passed two years ago, but few would have predicted then that so many Democrats would repudiate so many of President Obama’s core promises. … Continue reading

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“Suicide by mail order”

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Kevin sent off for an internet kit promising “deliverance.” When a brown padded envelope was delivered to the family home, his parents thought it contained icing bags. Today, to their everlasting horror, they know exactly what was contained in that … Continue reading

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“Traveling Dutch euthanasia clinic swamped with requests”

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Petra de Jong, director of NVVE which runs the mobile services, said that  most of the requests come from patients with incurable physical illnesses. Only a small number came from patients with serious psychological disorders. “If the number of requests … Continue reading

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“Suicide Kit May Have Played Role in Death of LaJolla Couple”

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The report indicated Howard Jaffe had a plastic bag over his head with a clear breathing tube leading to a helium tank. He and his wife were seated next to each other on a couch. 10 News – San Diego … Continue reading

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“Dutch offered ‘euthanasia on wheels'”

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The new units consist of a doctor, a nurse and all the medical equipment required to carry out euthanasia.  Patients can choose injections administered by the medical team, or they may drink a lethal concoction of life-ending drugs. BBC News … Continue reading

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“Dutch mobile euthanasia units to make house calls”

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A controversial system of mobile euthanasia units that will travel around the country to respond to the wishes of sick people who wish to end their lives has been launched in the Netherlands…. The teams would be limited to one … Continue reading

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“Ageism is just as bad as sexism and racism”

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The elderly are targeted by criminals – from muggers to internet thieves, and by the assisted suicide campaigners, who see age as something to be avoided at all costs – even death is preferable. The Telegraph “Ageism is just as … Continue reading

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“Assisted suicide bill passes state House committee”

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A state House committee passed a bill Tuesday aimed at ending assisted suicides in Georgia. Atlanta Journal Constitution “Assisted suicide bill passes state House committee” February 29. 2012 View

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“State can’t dictate morally objectionable rules”

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A federal district court judge ruled last week in the case of Stormans Inc. v. Selecky, regarding pharmacy owners’ legal duty to fill prescriptions and the right of conscience….For example, what if a pharmacist was required to dispense a drug … Continue reading

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“After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?”

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Writing in the Journal of Medical Ethics, Oxford affiliated ethicists argue that infanticide should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled. Journal of Medical Ethics “After-birth abortion: why should the … Continue reading

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“Latest infanticide push about more than killing babies”

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In this view – which is rife within international and American bioethics – the unborn, infants (at least through the first few weeks) and those who have lost relevant capacities because of, for example, late-state Alzheimer’s or severe brain damage … Continue reading

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“Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say”

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Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.” The Telegraph “Killing babies no … Continue reading

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“Ethicists give thumbs-up to infanticide”

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Alberto Guibilini and Francesca Minerva argue that both the fetus and the new-born infant are only potential persons without any interests. BioEdge “Ethicists give thumbs-up to infanticide” February 25, 2012 View

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